Step 1 - Create project and content

In this step of the tutorial you create a project and the content to which you later apply the bloom effect.

To create a project and content for the tutorial:

  1. Create a Kanzi Studio project.
  2. In the Project select the Screen node, and in the Properties add and set:
  3. In the Project right-click the Viewport 2D node and select Delete to delete the node.
  4. In the Assets window set Source to Factory Content.
    The Factory Content assets contain ready-made components which you can use to create prototype projects faster.
  5. From the Assets window drag the Car to the Preview window.
    Kanzi Studio adds the Car to the Project > RootPage node and adds the it to the Project > Prefabs.
  6. Adjust the look of the car:
    1. From the Assets window drag the Car Paint Material to the car body in the Preview window.
      This way you set the Car > car > RootNode > Car > CarBody node to use the Car Paint Material.
      When you drop a material on the Preview or on a node in the Project, Kanzi adds that material to the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials and applies the material to the node.

    2. In the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials select the Car Paint Material and in the Properties set:
      • Diffuse Color Hue (H) property field to 24
      • Specular Color property fields:
        • Hue (H) to 29
        • Saturation (S) to 255
        • Lightness (L) to 30
      • Specular Exponent to 5,5
    3. In the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials select the CarRim material and in the Properties set:
      • Specular Color Lightness (L) property field to 80
      • Car.CubemapColor Lightness (L) property field to 30
    4. In the Library > Materials and Textures > Materials select the Headlights material and in the Properties set:
      • Diffuse Color Lightness (L) property field to 255
      • Specular Color Lightness (L) property field to 0

  7. Adjust the lights in the scene:
    1. In the Project select the RootPage > Car > car > RootNode > Point1 node and in the Properties set the Point Light Color Lightness (L) property field to 255.
    2. In the Project select the RootPage > Car > car > RootNode > Point node and in the Properties set:
      • Point Light Color Lightness (L) property field to 127
      • Layout Transformation property fields:
        • Translation Y to 50
        • Translation Z to 40

  8. Set the background color:
    1. In the Project select the RootPage node and in the Properties set the Background Brush property to + Color Brush.
    2. Click next to the Background Brush property and set the Brush Color Lightness (L) property field to 64.


See also

To learn more about the Kanzi Factory Content, see Factory Content assets.

To learn more about materials and material types, see Material types and materials.